1, one, won, numero uno, un, ein,ένας, 1 つ, 1개, um, одно! *
They got a 1 at Solo Ensemble!!!! Yeah Marion and Billie!!!!
You guys are AWESOME!!!!
Best line of the day:
Marion to Grandpa: I got a medal!
Grandpa to Marion: What does it say?
Marion to anyone who will listen: It says: "I ROCK!"
Serious props to Aunt Billie (yes, that Aunt Billie) for all her help. Today, when Marion played for the judges, she played the best I've ever heard her...with all that pressure...and I know it was because of all the work she and Billie put into the effort.
I'm so glad my kids have such loving and involved aunts and uncles, as well as grandparents...I'm so lucky, blessed, blissful, content, contented, endowed, favored, fortunate, glad, granted, joyful, joyous (pick you synonym!) for the family that I have, both born and married!
* bablefish...it's a wonderful thing.