So, a week or so ago, my wife started the torture. It was simple enough:
"I bought you something. It should arrive in the mail in a few days."
Ok, so, now I NEED to know what it is. "Um, that's nice honey...what is it?"
Then came those words I've hated since I was old enough to want: "You'll have to wait and see!"
"wait and see?" "WAIT AND SEE!!!"
Seriously? Seriously.
So, yesterday, in the mail box, was a bubbly belemblelope with my cool whatever hidden inside.
She tossed to me as I quickly approached the door. I snatched out of mid-air, hurried in the house and ripped open the envelope like I was 10 and it was Christmas.
Inside was the coooooooolest T-Shirt you've ever seen! I actually asked for it for my birthday, but it was out of stock. My GREAT wife, waited till it came back around and got if for me. (collective AWWWEEE please)
(note to bloggers...this embedded picture is done using a new website called If you've ever wanted to embed pictures into your website/blog/myspace but were too polite to rip off thier bandwidth, you should check it out.)