Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I love TV

Wednesdays are the worst day of the week. I don't like any of the regular shows on tonight...pretty much every other day of the week has AWESOME shows!!!
Monday (Favorite night):
High Stakes Poker:
Yummy poker. I love poker. Daniel Negraneau is my favorite player, and so very much enjoy watching these guys joke and prod while winning and losing thousands of dollars.

What a great show. Save the Cheerleader, Save the World tells you everything you need to know about this show. A great story line, real bad guys, real good guys and several who you really don't know about. I still can't figure out if the Guy with the Horned Rim Glasses (HRG) is a bad guy or a good guy. The same with the monster woman Jessica. This is part of what makes the show drives me nuts that I can't figure it out, and I love that I can't figure it out!

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip:
OMG...possible my favorite show right now. I want to be Matthew Perry's character, I want to work with someone who knows the things I need to know and vise versa...perfect show and getting better every week.

Tuesday Night:
Another strong show. The characters are so well written and acted that it's stunning. Hugh Laurie may be the best actor on TV today. He does such a great job of playing this character. His facial expressions alone speak volumnes.

Boston Legal:
When I grow up, if I can't be House, I wanna be Alan Shore. Possibly the best character on TV today. This show is smart and witty and doesn't take itself to seriously. I love the occasional interaction of the characters with the audience. I hate David Kelly's politics, but even when he buries the show in it, it's still great TV. Realizing as I type that one of the things I like about this show is the connection between Denny and Alan, the same thing I like about Studio 60....more realization...I have that connection with the Wife!

Wednesday Night:

Thursday Night:
Grey's Anatomy:
This has been my favorite show, and still rocks, however, it seems to be getting a bit too serious. My wife and I used to be big ER fans, but it got WAY WAY to stressful, so we stopped...I hope GA doesn't go that way. Also, a great blog of the show helps addicts with down time(Greys Writers)

Friday Night:
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
A friend at work turned me on to this and my kids love to watch it. This Friday is the last episode for this edition of the story line and I can't wait. Well written and drawn. Great story line and very interesting characters. If you like cartoons, this is a can't miss.

Battlestar Gallactica:
I was a BG fan growing up, and these guys have done a FABULOUS job of staying true to the story, giving it a fresh twist and making it relevant to today's SCI FI nerds. They keep giving interesting story lines and more great great acting! I'm still waiting for the felgercarb curse word and Cassiopeia to show up!

Man, I watch to much TV!