Ever since I was young, I've gotten headaches. Not the normal, "aspirin will take care of it" kind of headaches...I get those too...but the kind of headache that makes you feel like you're going to throw up. The kind that hurts so bad that I give myself black eyes from pushing a cool rag too hard onto my face. No fun.
The thing is, they are fairly predictable. Looking back, it's not stress that induces these things, but it's the release of stress.
After a big project is done at work or a big family issue gets resolved...something like that.
I've got one of those headaches today.
Yesterday was a big, fat, hairy stressful day.
1) Big Project rolled out at work. I work in a web based application that is used globally at Ford Motor Company. Yesterday we rolled out a new security model that we've been working on all year. I hate roll out days!
2) I got turned down for a new position inside Ford. I've been in the same job for about 5 years and it's time to move on. There was a job opening for a real sic job that I had hoped for, but there were tons of applicants. I found out yesterday I didn't get the job.
3) Performance Review time. At FoMoCo we do performance reviews at the end of the year. These help determine pay increases and helps with promotions. I had one of the best PR's that I've ever had, and had stressed about getting through it.
4) Church. We are very involved in our church. I'm a board member, the Sunday School Superintendant and a Sunday School teacher. Have been for 15 years. Yesterday I had to tell the other board members that my family may be leaving for another church pretty soon. My kids are growing up, and our current church doesn't have any kind of youth ministry or many other kids their age to befriend. This has been the case for a long time, but it's coming to be a problem with the twins hitting 12 years old this month. My wife didn't think I'd tell them, cause she knew how much I was dredding this. I love my church..but my family has to come before the church and I feel this is best for my family. Still hated having the discussion.
All these things had their conclusions yesterday....and today BANG! Screeming, pounding, headache.
Thank God for Vicadin!