Tuesday, December 19, 2006

All Good Things.....

Well, today it happened.
I never, in a million years thought it would, but it did.
I resigned my post as secretary, and Sunday School Superintendant from church.
Still can't believe it. I. Quit. Church.
For the first time in 20 years, I don't have a church that I belong to. That's a tricky thought to wrap my pea brain around.
Not permanently or anything silly like that...we just have to find a new home.

My wife and I met with the Pastor and his wife tonight for an hour and a half or so. It was nice. It's not because of them that we are leaving. They are two of the best people you'll ever meet. Our youngest son's middle name is after my Pastor. He's been a friend and mentor for a long time. His wife has been a gleaming example of a Christian woman for my daughter. I've never been ashamed to call them friends.
Pastor said that he thinks it's going to be tough to replace us...maybe or maybe not. One thing is for sure, it's going to be impossible for us to replace them.

I'm not sure where we go from here, but I know where we end up will be right, will be home.
I think it was Ben Franklin who once talked about the Truth. He said when you hear something that's right, just right, a bell kind of goes off in your head. That's the way home is. When you walk in the door, you know...this is home.
I've bought two houses...and both of them, when I walked in the door, I had that feeling. I'm praying that that's what happens with the right church for my family. When I walk in the door, it feels like home. It may take some time, but I believe it'll happen.

It's been a good run there...18 years at one church is a long time. All good things must come to an end...this wasn't the end that I had hoped for, but it's the end I got. Pray that a good thing starts too....