Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What just happened?

Morons....I detest morons. Friend morons are terrible...family morons are nearly intolerable.

My niece used to live with us. She had lived with my parents since she was a child, owing to the fact that my brother was a complete moron (long story).
A few years back, my mom had a rather sever stroke. Between that and the fact that time marches on and teenagers keep agering, it was getting more and more difficult for my Mom and niece to live under the same roof. So, it was either come live with us or put her into the system.
We chose ill.
She lived with us for almost exactly a year. Things started off nice enough, until, a week or so into her coming to stay, she informed me that she may be pregnant. Mind you we ASKED specifically if there was ANY CHANCE of this being the case prior to her moving in. She said no. This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

As it turned out, she wasn't pregnant. However, the next year, we did our best to keep it that way.
As time went on, things settled down. Her grades improved a bit, she was getting along, but every once in a while she'd melt down and all was rotten again.
Near the end, it became more and more apparent that things weren't going to work out much longer. She was lying all the time, stealing, her grades were getting worse and she was making life in my house a hell.
The last straw came when, after much prodding, she told me she thought she might be pregnant again....hmmmm I'm detecting a pattern.

So, we talked it over with my parents and they were going to bring her back with them, with the stipulation that if she couldn't walk the straight and narrow, she'd be placed in some kind of wayward teen home.

During this time, she struck up a friendship with a family at church. A church mind you that she told me many times she hated...didn't like the fact that the women wore dresses and didn't cut their hair...didn't like any kind of moral boundries at all...bad bad church.
Anyway, just yesterday, we find out that she and this family have apparently been planning for some time for her to come live with them. So she went to her school and informed them that she would be dropping out on Friday and not to expect her back. Seriously? Seriously.

My folks are pretty upset...I'm livid...to the point of blowing up. Not because she's leaving...I couldn't really care less than I do...but all the ansilary things around her leaving. What it does to my folks. The way it happened. The fact that PEOPLE I GO TO CHURCH WITH WOULD DO THIS WITHOUT SO MUCH AS MENTIONING IT! (!@#$!@%^$^@@#$@#$!@!@#$#^!@#$!#!@#) Sorry.
This hurts...more than I can even say. More than I can believe.

My wife already told me she won't be going back to church. I can't say as I blame her. I know it's not the church's fault, and Lord knows my Pastor, who is a decent man, is not to blame for this...but how can we worship, sing, be nice, to people who do such a dastardly deed?
Christmas for Christ service is this Sunday. We have a nice service set up...lots of singing, puppets, my kids have solo parts in songs....and I'm thinking of not going. That's inconceivable to me (yes I do know what that word means)...I'm sure the kids and I will go, cause I wouldn't do that to our Choir Director, whom I adore, and to my Pastor, whom I love very much....but I do believe this will be our last week there......please pray.