Friday, January 05, 2007

All Good Things....part 2

Sunday, my family crosses a rubicon. It will be our farewell service at the church we've attended for the last 18 years. In that time I have been:
Sunday School Teacher (for toddlers, children, teens and adults)
Sunday School Superintendant
Board Member
Choir Member
Bass Guitar Player
Service Lead
Occasional Preacher

That's a lot of myself to leave in a place.
It's funny, I feel peace at leaving to go to a new church, but at the same time, I feel really sad for leaving. Pastor and Sis. Roberts are two of my family’s dearest friends, and I feel sad to leave them and their work. I do believe it's the right thing for me, my family and for that church though, so I don't feel bad or feel like it's the wrong thing to do.

Next week we are going to go to the Ypsi church. I'm not sure if that is where we'll end up for good, but that's the church we started out at so it's a good place to start.
We've got tons of friends there still, many of which we've kept in touch with over the years. It'll be interesting to see how things work out.
The touchiest part of the whole new church thing will be seeing how the children take to the new church. Mitch will be fine, I'm sure. The twins, however, like change much less than their younger brother and will have to acclimate to the new environment. I'm sure they will and our hope is that they will meet new friends there that they can have for the rest of their lives.