So, today was my follow-up appointment for the doctors.
I went last month for the first time in forever. I didn't like my old doctor. Didn't like him at all. I'd wait for an hour in the waiting area, then another half hour or so in the little room (it was generally such a long wait that they actually put little TV's in there to keep you occupied). When he finally would grace me with his presence, it was for 2 minutes or less, only to be given a prescription for something or another and told to lose weight.
Note to Doctors everywhere: People who need to lose weight, generally know it.
As a result of this frustration, I stopped going. Stupid? Yes. Surprising? No.
Lots of people have this same frustration, I'm sure. You go to a doctors for a while because that's the one you've always gone too. Once it's realized that he/she's a creep/bad/stupid/lazy/scammer/(unpack your own adjective) you stop going and are afraid to find a new one.
Or, maybe it's just me.
One way or another, my wife found a doctor she really liked and convinced me to give her a try. She was sure I would like her. I did and I do.
As a result of this, I went to the doctors last month. After taking my Blood Pressure, the nurse asked me why I was still alive.
"A little high?" I suggested.
"Um, yeah. Like King Kong was a little gorilla."
She didn't have to be snarky!
So, after spending quite a while with the doc, and getting a prescription for some BP meds, off I went, vowing to lose weight and bring my blood pressure under control (and liking my doctor for the first time since....ever).
Fast forward to this morning. My BP is now on the low side of normal and my weight is dropping. I still got all the other out of shape and over weight things to worry about (cholesterol and tri-glycerides), but those will come under submission with the diet and exercise.
Maybe I will make that 40th birthday party.